APPRRU members participate in World Bank’s Third Suspension and Debarment Colloquium 2015

In December 2015 two members of APPRRU, Dr Sope Williams-Elegbe and Prof Geo Quinot, participated in the World Bank’s Third Suspension and Debarment Colloquium 2015, held in Washington DC.

The Third Colloquium on Suspension and Debarment aimed to showcase the broad range of first principles underlying suspension and debarment systems, covering developing trends and potential harmonization of systems worldwide.


Panelists at the Third Suspension and Debarment Colloquium 2015

Panelists compared and contrasted the foundational purposes of different systems and examined how those principles are put into practice around the globe. Panelists examined a range of questions as applied to any given suspension and debarment system: What are the offenses that are the bases for sanctions? Why are these offenses sanctionable? Who makes the sanctions decisions? Who is being protected by the adjudicative system? Building on themes discussed in the 2014 and 2012 Colloquia, the 2015 Colloquium also examined advice to be given to countries in the process of reforming or setting up their systems.

Dr Williams-Elegbe participated via pre-recorded video link in a panel on “Putting Theory Into Practice: Advice for Implementing a Suspension & Debarment System”. This panel focused on the practical realities many reform countries are facing in their attempts to implement a suspension and debarment system. The panelists addressed, among other things, the differing goals that could be achieved through suspension and debarment, the relationship between criminal and administrative law, and the impact and efficacy of debarment. A video recording of this panel can be viewed here.

121615-SUSPENSION&DEBARMENT COLLOQUIUM-277_FProf Quinot participated in the panel on “Developing Trends and Model Systems: Is the World Ready to Move Towards Harmonization of Suspension & Debarment?” As the world becomes more globalized every day, questions arise as to the extent to which systems across the globe should all conform to a set of international standards. The panelists examined the positives and negatives of global harmonization in the context of suspension and debarment systems. Should countries and international organizations strive to harmonize their respective systems?  What are the implications for existing (and future) cross-debarment agreements? A video recording of this panel can be viewed here.

For more details on the event and further materials, visit the Colloquium website.

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