Symposium: Procurement Law on Three Continents – 25 April 2017, Stellenbosch

Legal Aid Clinic Building, Stellenbosch University Law Faculty


8:30 Registration & coffee

9:00 Session 1: Public procurement law in the United States

Prof Christopher R. Yukins,
Lynn David Research Professor in Government Procurement Law; Co-Director of the Government Procurement Law Program, George Washington University School of Law, USA

9:45 Session 2: Public procurement law in the EU

Prof Andrea Sundstrand, Associate Professor in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Stockholm University, Sweden

10:30 Coffee

11:00 Session 3: Public procurement law developments in South Africa

Prof Geo Quinot, Vice Dean & Professor, Department of Public Law, Stellenbosch University

11:45 Session 4: Recent developments in Multilateral Development Banks’ public procurement rules

Prof Sope Williams-Elegbe, Associate Professor, Department of Mercantile Law, Stellenbosch University

12:30 Close & light lunch

Attendance is free and open to anyone interested in public procurement law, but seats are limited and it is thus essential to book a seat by sending an email to Kyle Jordaan at


The venue

Stellenbosch University Legal Aid Clinic

44 Banhoek Road, Stellenbosch

LAC map














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