Public Procurement: Global Revolutions VII conference

The seventh conference in the international series of Public Procurement: Global Revolutions conferences will be held from 15-16 June 2015 in Nottingham, England.

The conference is organised by the Public Procurement Research Group at the University of Nottingham. APPRRU is a supporting organiser and is responsible for hosting a stream on African procurement law. A number of APPRRU researchers will also deliver papers at the conference.

The conference will be attended by policy-makers, lawyers and practitioners from the main international organisations involved in procurement regulation, as well as world-leading professors and researchers.

The conference will take place on 15-16 June 2015 at the East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham. It will include plenary sessions for all delegates and a series of parallel workshops and debates focusing on specific topics of interest to different delegates.

The conference is sponsored by The Achilles Group and more information can be found on the conference website. The full programme can be accessed here.

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