November 24, 2016 - November 25, 2016
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
The African Public Procurement Regulation Research Unit (APPRRU), Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the second International Conference on Public Procurement Law Africa. The Conference will be held from 24 – 25 November, 2016 at the Century City Conference Centre & Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa.
Conference Theme
The Conference theme is Public Procurement Regulation suited for 21st Century Africa: Reform, Governance and Innovation. The theme will address a range of critically important issues and themes relating to the intersection between procurement regulation, governance, reform, and innovation. Plenary speakers include some of the leading thinkers in public procurement in Africa and internationally, and the conference will feature numerous papers, and workshop presentations.
Venue: Century City Conference Centre & Hotel
Venue Website: http://ccconferencecentre.co.za/planners/century-city-hotel/