Flowing from the first workshop, the following five workstreams have been established to continue working on specific topics that have been identified as priority areas for engagement.
Stream 1
Institutional arrangements
Relevant issues include:
- centralised vs decentralised arrangements;
- role of accounting officers/ authorities;
- capacity development;
- oversight structures
Stream 2

Procurement Integrity
Relevant issues include:
- debarment;
- whistle blowing;
- procurement data publication;
- liability of officials and indemnity;
- integrity pacts
Stream 3

Targeted procurement
Relevant issues include:
- mechanisms to pursue policy objectives through procurement;
- sustainable public procurement;
- procurement as an empowerment tool;
- procurement and economic development;
- balancing various objectives
Stream 4

Procedures & Efficiency
Relevant issues include:
- the desirable menu of procurement methods;
- e-procurement;
- qualification and award criteria;
- procuring for innovation; commercial agility;
- linking procurement to projects,
- needs and outcomes;
- demand and contract management
Stream 5

Dispute resolution
Relevant issues include:
- types of dispute resolution mechanisms;
- administrative vs judicial remedies;
- disputing timeframes;
- standing to challenge;
- balancing compliance with commercial efficiency
Any person is welcome join any of the workstreams and contribute to its work.