Geo Quinot is trained in law, public administration and higher education. He is currently a Professor of Law in the Department of Public Law and the School of Public Leadership at Stellenbosch University, South Africa as well as Founding Director of the African Procurement Law Unit (APLU). He is also admitted as an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa. Quinot teaches administrative law and public procurement law in the Law Faculty and the School for Public Leadership at Stellenbosch University. He also regularly instructs public administrators in both administrative law and public procurement regulation. His research focuses on general administrative law, including a particular focus on the regulation of state commercial activity such as public procurement, insolvency of organs of state as well as on legal education.
Quinot has published widely in these areas. He is the author, co-author and/or editor of ten book publications, the most recent of which are Municipalities in Financial Distress: An Environmental, Social and Governance Critique to be published by Edward Elgar in 2025; Public Procurement Regulation in Africa: Development in Uncertain Times, published by LexisNexis in 2020 and Administrative Justice in South Africa: An Introduction, the second edition of which was published by Oxford University Press in 2020. Quinot is a past editor-in-chief of the journal, Stellenbosch Law Review and the founding editor-in-chief of the open-access journal, African Public Procurement Law Journal. As an advocate, Quinot advises on matters relating to administrative law and especially public procurement law to both public buyers (organs of state) and suppliers to the state.
Quinot obtained the degrees BA(Law) and LLB, both cum laude, at Stellenbosch University; LLM (Master of Laws) at the University of Virginia School of Law in the USA as a Fulbright scholar; MA (Master of Arts in Higher Education Studies) cum laude at the University of the Free State; MPA (Master in Public Administration) cum laude from the University of Birmingham in the UK and LLD (Doctor of Laws) at Stellenbosch University.
A selection of relevant publications
- Quinot G State Commercial Activity: A Legal Framework (2009) Juta & Co
- Quinot G & Arrowsmith S (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in Africa (2013) Cambridge University Press (co-author and co-editor)
- Williams-Elegbe S & Quinot G (eds) Public Procurement Regulation for 21st Century Africa (2018) Juta & Co
- Quinot G & Williams-Elegbe S (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in Africa: Development in Uncertain Times (2020) LexisNexis
- Vaccari, E, Coordes, LN, Marique, Y, & Quinot, G Municipalities in Financial Distress: An Environmental, Social and Governance Critique (2025, forthcoming) Edward Elgar Publishing (co-author)
Chapters in books
- Bolton, P. & Quinot, G. “Social Policies in Procurement and the Government Procurement Agreement: a Perspective from South Africa” in S Arrowsmith & R Anderson (eds) The WTO Regime on Government Procurement: Recent Developments and Challenges Ahead (2011) Cambridge University Press
- Quinot, G. “Public Contracts” in A Farazmand (ed) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (2016) Springer
- Quinot, G. “Private Law and Public Administration” in A Farazmand (ed) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (2016) Springer 52-68
- Quinot, G. “Control and litigation in public contracts in South Africa” in L Folliot Lalliot & S Torricelli (eds) Contrôles et contentieux des contrats publics – Oversight and Challenges of public contracts (2018) Bruylant
- Quinot G. “Constitutionalising Public Procurement through Human Rights: Lessons from South Africa” in O Martin-Ortega & C Methven O’Brien (eds) Public Procurement and Human Rights (2019) Edward Elgar Publishing
- Quinot, G. “Differences in States’ Procurement Practices” in A Farazmand (ed) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. (2021) Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_1527-1
- Quinot, G., Williams-Elegbe, S & Udeh, K.T. “Emergency Procurement and Responses to COVID-19 in Africa: The Contrasting Cases of South Africa and Nigeria” in S Arrowsmith, LRA Butler, A La Chimia & C Yukins (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in (a) Crisis? (2021) Bloomsbury Publishing
- FAO, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and Editora da UFRGS https://doi.org/10.4060/cb7960en
- Quinot, G. “Local Public Entities in Distress: An Analysis of the South African Approach” in E. Vaccari, Y. Marique & L.N. Coordes (eds) Local Public Entities in Distress: A Global Study (2022) Insol International
- Quinot, G. “Legal Regulation of Public Procurement in South Africa” in K. Kichik & G. Mordokhov (eds) Public Procurement Law Around the World Vol II (2022) Yustitsinform
- Quinot, G. “Human rights and developmental considerations in procuring for Africa’s first World Cup” in O. Martin-Ortega & L. Trevino-Lozano (eds) Sustainable Public Procurement of Infrastructure and Human Rights (2023) Edward Elgar
- Quinot, G. “Corruption and Covid-19 procurement” in S. Williams & J. Tillipman (eds) Routledge Handbook of Public Procurement Corruption (2024) Routledge
- Quinot, G. “The UNCITRAL Model Law and the Past and Future of Procurement Regulation in Africa” in A La Chimia & M Trybus (eds) Reforming Public Procurement Law (2024) Hart Publishing.
- Quinot, G. & Rosa, B.V. “Preferences and political economy in public procurement. Colloquium” in Castelli, A., Piga, G. & Tátrai, T. (eds) The Economics and Law of Public Procurement: New Global Scenarios (2024) Routledge
Journal articles
- Quinot, G. “Enforcement of Procurement Law from a South African Perspective” (2011) 20 Public Procurement Law Review 193 – 206
- Quinot, G. “The Role of Quality in the Adjudication of Public Tenders” (2014) 17 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 1110-1136 (http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/pelj.v17i3.08)
- Quinot, G.“In-house provisioning and South African public procurement law” (2014) 39 Journal for Juridical Science 115-129
- Quinot, G. “Innovation, state contracting and public procurement law” (2015) 7 Trade, Law and Development 137-155 (http://www.tradelawdevelopment.com/index.php/tld/article/viewFile/7%281%29%20TL%26D%20137%20%282015%29/248)
- Quinot G. “The Third Wave of Preferential Procurement Regulations in South Africa” (2018) Journal of South African Law 856-867
- Arrowsmith, S. , Bayley, R., Gorczynska, A., Idoko, J, Kay, S., Lopes, J.F. Cifuentes, C.S.B., Quinot, G., Ren, K., Nobel, A., Solomanyan, A., Sobieraj, I., Soós, G. and Thurston, A. “Procuring infrastructure for international sporting events: mapping the field for IPACS and beyond” (2019) 28:6 Public Procurement Law Review 257-318
- Stoffel, T., Cravero, C., La Chimia, A. and Quinot, G. “Multidimensionality of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP)—Exploring Concepts and Effects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe” (2019) 11:22, 6352 Sustainability, 1-23 https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/22/6352
- Shai, L., Molefinyana, C. and Quinot, G. “Public Procurement in the Context of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) in South Africa—Lessons Learned for Sustainable Public Procurement” (2019) 11:24, 7164 Sustainability, 1-27 https://doi.org/10.3390/su11247164
- Quinot, G. “Reforming Procurement Law in South Africa” (2020) 7 African Public Procurement Law Journal 1-15 (https://applj.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/27)
- Quinot, G. & Williams-Elegbe, S. “Some African Responses to Public Procurement for and during COVID-19” (2020) 30 Public Procurement Law Review 232-237
- Quinot, G. “Justification, integration, and expertise: South Africa’s regulatory response to COVID-19” (2021) 73(1) Administrative Law Review 105-120 http://www.administrativelawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/11.-ALR-73.1_Quinot-South-Africa_FINAL.pdf
- Quinot, G. & Anthony, A. “Towards Open Contracting in South African Public Procurement Law” (2022) 31 Public Procurement Law Review 113-119
- Quinot, G. “Public Procurement Law” (2022) 3 Yearbook of South African Law 1161-1174
- Quinot, G. “Contemporary trends in the development of public procurement law in South Africa” (2023) 85(1) Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 71 https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2023.85.1.07
- Quinot, G. “Developments in Comparative Public Law in South Africa” (2023) 1 Droit Public Comparé – Comparative Public Law https://publications-prairial.fr/droit-public-compare/index.php?id=119
- Quinot, G. “Public Procurement Law” (2023) 4 Yearbook of South African Law 1223-1237
- Edquist, C. & Quinot, G. “Functional Public Procurement and Innovation – A Conceptual Framework” (2025) 34 Public Procurement Law Review 33-46